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Sunday, November 2, 2008

My name's Wilford Biscuit Brimley

But my pals call me Silly Willy,  and if you give me a belly rub, I'll let you do the same. ;)

My pack leaders (aka Momma and Daddy), looove to take pictures of me with their little flashy box.  I think it's called a "Lemmegethecamera".  I may be one year old now, but I've only had a family for the last couple moons.  So I am new to a lot of things in the human world.

Like the coffee bucket.  When it wakes up and opens its one red eye, he starts to gurgle and growl at me when I try to eat my breakfast.  I tried to scare the coffee monster away, but Momma made me stop.  I still don't like him.

Sometimes I have nightmares about scarier places, with meat-eating bugs and sad hounds howling all night in cold cages.  I try to run and whimper when I can't get away.  That's when Mommy or Daddy always wakes me up with hugs and pets.   If my pack is still awake, I might be lucky enough to lay in someone's lap and get snuggled.  That's my favorite.

Biscuits are also my favorite.

Dog Biscuits, People Biscuits, Triscuits or Scones: I love them all.

The crunchier the better, except when it comes to blankies; then the opposite applies.

Oh, and I must not forget TENNIS BALLS!  Dunlop perferably.  

This is Wilford (Mr. "Diabetus") "Silly Willy" Biscuit Brimley signing off.

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