Congrats Momma!

5x7 Folded Card
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

What happened to Drew Carey?

This is Terrible Terrier Breaking News:

The past two episodes of the Price of Right were RE-RUNS!  That's right folks; those contestants were a little too familiar.  This almost never happens, and when it does, there is always an explanation given via press release.

Have they stopped taping to renew his contract?  Is he sick?  

What happened to Drew Carey?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Best Boy Ever's Day

Today has been a big day.  First, I got to go to the park and play ball.  Last time there was a bunch of little kid'ems there to play with me, but I had a good time anyway.

Usually after a great trip like that, I just nap away the rest of the day.  Momma had other ideas.  
This time, instead of the big scissors, she brought out Daddy's noisy razor.  All of my hair started falling off!  I thought I was going to be bald and naked, but to my surprise, I am skinny and handsome!   After a nice brushing, Momma gave me a pedipaws treatment.  

I must have been a really good boy, because after lunch, we all went out on another walk! I couldn't believe it! We went to Willow Creek where I can run around without my leash and drink right from the stream!
From Willow Creek Adventure

Best day ever for the bestest puppy ever.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My First Haircut

Today I went through something a little tramatic.

Mommy cut my hair off.

When I first got a look at those huge scissors, I thought it was going to hurt, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I feel lighter, faster, and most importantly, even more handsome and terrible than before!

Check me out!

Before.....                                                                              After!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Beef with Animal "Rescue" Organizations

Have you seen the ads for puppy mill "rescue" dogs?  

What is the difference between a pet store selling a mass-produced puppy and a rescue organization "re-homing" one?

A tax break.

There is only ONE pet shop in all of Salt Lake City, but more than 25 Rescue Organizations, all of which charge HUNDREDS of dollars, and are filled with puppies from puppy mills.

Meanwhile, dogs are being still killed everyday at the overflowing pound.

Take it from me - it's no fun being on the short list.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Sign of Spring

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Three Cheers for Stumpy

Grumpy old Stumpy!

He reminds me of Rudy on a good day.  He is the oldest dog to ever win the Westminster Dog Show, and my favorite from the begginning.  Too bad they don't allow betting on dog shows!

When I grow up, I want to start a mutt show!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama Narrows Down his Choice for First Dog

Obama needs a big dog for a big house, so he's deciding between a Portuguese Water Dog or a Labradoodle. I say Poodles can be too nuerotic, go for the Water Dog! There are even two puppies waiting to be adopted right now!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Coloring with Bill Cosby

To fight the post-Christmas blues, I've taken up the hobby of coloring.  It is nearly impossible to find a good coloring book nowadays, unless you count a dollar store knock-off, so I used my super doggie intelligence and came up with a genius and high-tech solution: Google.

Say hello to Pikacu, Mario, and now... Bill Cosby.  Imagine the wonder of 64 waxy colors.

In honor of Black History Month, you can get your very own coloring pages featuring MC Hammer, Opra, and everyone's favorite, Will Smith.

My personal favorite (would have been Micheal Jackson, except it's a post-op photo), is Daryl Strawberry.  I like his name, but considering the drug scandals, I'm not sure if he is a model balck history candidate...

Experience the magic of Knox News:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

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